
Brigitte Minne & Carll Cneut

50 kr ~€6,71 150 kr

Meet Rosemary, a young fairy who lives with her traditional mum in a golden-turreted castle. Rosemary however, is not your traditional fairy, she’s a divergent young miss who is decidedly disappointed with her birthday present of a ‘stupid magic wand’ and would have much rather had a pair of roller skates.

This isn’t the only disappointment in Rosemary’s life though: indeed she is unhappy with her clean-living, deadly dull life as a fairy and would far rather be a witch. Her mum is horrified at the mere thought but Rosemary is a determined child. She ignores the advice of her fellow fairies, packs her bags and flies away. She’ll soon be back, thinks her mum, but life in witches’ wood suits Rosemary all too well. She fashions for herself a treehouse and a boat and forages for nuts and berries. The other witches are welcoming and one loans her a pair of roller skates and in return Rosemary teaches the witches the odd mischievous trick or two. Proud of her prowess on a broomstick, Rosemary flies back to show off her new skill to her mother back at the castle but while there she comes to know that she has made her mother very sad by leaving home. Eventually, after a reciprocal visit, a compromise is made: Rosemary the ‘witchfairy’ is born.

Wonderfully inspiring; hold determinedly on to your dreams is the abiding message that shines through this meticulously illustrated book. It certainly wowed this reviewer and I’m sure Rosemary, the Witchfairy, will find countless other admirers both young and not so young.

Specifications - Hardcover. 40 pages.